By glance of the title, you may think I'm about to break my rule and discuss religion. WRONG! Fooled you. This entry is actually about a 2 hour rehearsal with the newly reformed UMBC Symphony. It was the first under the baton of Dr E Michael Richards, of music theory 5 and music history II fame. Dr Richards and I go way back. I remember when he was hired and my good friend Stef and I had to gather information to present for his consideration for tenure. I've been to his house a few times for birthday parties even. I had never worked with him though in a large ensemble. I have to admit I am not 100% in playing, I can't support like I normally can so I was relying on strength tonight and not so much technique and form to play well, so I didn't play that well. We spent 2 hours tonight working simply on the last movement of Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 5 in D major "The Reformation". Now the trumpet part isn't terribly loud, or high but I was beat mentally. I never had such an intense orchestra rehearsal, and the group never sounded so go. I had performed this piece a few years ago, my handwriting is still on the score. I can say that it sounded better tonight, after one rehearsal, than it did when we performed it. Nothing against the old conductor, him and I were pals, he was my trumpet teacher. Dr Richards has the group re-energized, and is working the group mentally, pushing everyone to their limits. It was quite exciting. I can't really explain it. Its going to be a hell of concert if the group can mentally mature and keep the intensity.
I checked out a new CD today, 8-bit Operations. Its the music of Kraftwerk played on nothing but sounds from 8-bit video game systems. Very interesting stuff, and definitely creative and inspirational. I would recommend giving it a listen. Just in case no one has heard of Kraftwerk, heres a link to their wikipedia entry. Kraftwerk. Heres a video of my favorite song by them, "Pocket Calculator"
Well I think thats enough for this entry. Please keep reading, those who do, and tell others to read! I appreciate it and peace.
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