Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hello friends. I write to you tonight with great sorrow. I know I had promised not to get too personal in this blog but, I cannot help it in this situation. This Sunday, my good and dear friend Jonell Lindholm passed away from a long fight with cancer.

Jonell was an extremely talented French horn player. Jonell was one of the most active musicians in Baltimore area, playing with anyone, anywhere, for any amount of money, even gratis. I worked with her in the UMBC Symphony, Liberty Showcase and Glyndon Players, Columbia Symphony, and of course in The Usual Suspects.

Jonell taught me all the tricks of playing in a symphony; write in the tough transpositions, look over the clarinet player's shoulder when playing Beethoven in case you get lost in the long rests, play loud and confident no matter what, don't be afraid to count out loud and on your fingers, and brass players stick together. Jonell never criticized anyones playing, except for Stan. But then she was never really mean.

Jonell was great to do chamber music with. She always had positive criticisms and was willing to try and play anything, no matter how crappy the arrangement. Of all the situations, I will miss her from our quintet rehearsals. She would always bring the group back on task, and chime in with a proper timed, Michigan accented "Oh brother". Her musicianship was second to none. She was always professional. Always with a pencil and ready to learn.

I don't think I can talk much more without getting worked up again, so I say, "Here's to you Jonell. May all the parts in heaven be in F already. I loved you and loved working with you." Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just looking for Jonell's obituary online and found this. What a nice tribute! I grew up with Jonell and am missing her terribly. She was one of a kind, and the way she handled her cancer fight was admirable. I can just hear her "Oh brother". Thanks for this tribute.
Vicky Kobs