Saturday, October 13, 2007


Good evening and thanks for tuning back into my little page where my word goes. Theres been a couple things that I have been wrapping my mind around. Now I think its a general consensus that attending live performances are key to developing musicianship. My question is though, does it matter what type of concert? Does the performer need to be further along in their path of musicianhood? (I made that word up) I ask because as you readers have read, I have been mainly exploring the world of rock, mainly acid rock and metal. I have found this has changed my approach to performance. I wanted to be a front man for today's concert for our quintet. They let me, and I tried to be charismatic and really bring out the uniqueness of our group. I think the gig went well. I was excited to take the stage and I energized. I psyched up and ready to go. The feeling of exhaustion didn't hit until I got home, when the adrenaline wore off. I haven't had that much of an adrenaline charge to perform ever.

Anyways, I have never been to an opera. I have caught a decent amount of flak over that because being a classical musician, I've been to a metal concert before an opera. Just operas are expensive, and really, I love opera, and appreciate the art, I fear my attention span causing an issue, and the opera house here is very uncomfortable if you're taller than 5 ft tall. I am not sure if I'm supposed to be upset about this, if it makes me a crap musician, a phony even. As always. I don't think it does, but thats my own ego, and I'm sure other musicians around me don't like me because of some reason, but is it because I've never been to an opera, or is it because I like Dreamtheater and been listening to a Best of album of William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy?

On that note, I strike a chord with you and must settle into the coda of this entry. Good night, peace, and I will write again when I return from my trip. Peace to you, and you.

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